In line with its tradition of microprocessor controlled chargers and using the latest state of the art technology, Nuova Elettra introduces MICROPLUS, the new generation of fully self-compensating, microprocessor controlled chargers. MICROPLUS bases the recharge profile on the actual characteristics of each battery being charged and thanks to its self diagnostic capability provides full information to the operator. MICROPLUS charges the battery with calculation of the recharge coefficient and incorporates a comprehensive disply of status information relating to the battery or charger.
> Wa charging mode in compilance with curve DIN 41774;
> The charging principle is based on calculation of the recharge coefficient;
> Automatic start after 8 second delay;
> Pre-charging mode; monitoring system ensuring prevention of overcharging and incorporating a charge inhibit for overdischarged batteries;
> During the bulk-charge, MICROPLUS calculates the number of amperes per hour restored to the battery;
> MICROPLUS determines the number of Amperes per hour required for full charging, with charge factor adjustment to meet individual charging needs;
> The advantage of this type of charge is that it supplies the battery with the number of Amperes per hour required, with the ability to adjust automatically for mains fluctuations and depth of discharge;
> The unit monitors the on charge battery current, terminating the charge only when stabilised conditions at the end of the charge are detected;
> Compensation charge;
> Facility to adjust gassing voltage, charge factor, delayed start of charge, delayed equalising mode;
> Double security timer ( 10-13 hour) ;
> Led' s indicating charge progress;
> Alpha/ Numeric display: key information including total voltage, charge current, amps returned, accumulated charge time, charge factor;
> Multi-voltage pushbutton;
> current reading made by a sophisticated inductive sensor