Suzuki Ertiga Interior is equipped with: - .... wheelbase PROMO OFFER AND GET A BONUS OF INTEREST PT JAYA BEAUTIFUL MOTOR JAMBI BENEFIT: Ready-Stock Units Without pivot Special....
suzuki biggest company in Jambi are active in sales of new cars in jambi, providing all types of cars new suzuki
Cash safes - Barrier material thickness of 110mm - Dual locking: mechanical combination/ electronic and key lock - Three sizes: 342 to 628 litres
Our Products Processed Under Strict SOP, using a special measuring machines, and handled by professionals, we currently export to the sending china, india, korea, domestic as lampung jakarta and....
Didirikan Pada Tahun 2005, KURNIA JAYA, Sesuai Dengan Namanya Pendiri Berharap Menjadi Sebuah Perusahaan dengan Komitment Tinggi, Adapun Bidang Usahaa Yang Menopang Terus Berdiri Tegapnya....
Parichaya Tours Travel adalah Perusahaan dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh PT.Parichaya Nurindo.Didirikan Pada 8 Febuari 2012, yang dikelola dan dioperasikan secara penuh oleh Parichaya Tour Travel. Tujuan....
Work on installation of a steel frame and metal roof or other roof types of premises maintained quality.
We are engaged in retail sales of building material goods such as cement, sand, spilit, rocks split, brick, con blocks, gravel, iron, pipes, electric tools which are domiciled in the city of Jambi.....
PT. Rajawali Perkasa Utama provide a high quality of Plywood through certain process with a strict quality control activity. Plywood made by our company have proven to be preferred choice in Sumatra....
Motor Vihicle Insurance, with All Risk ( commprehensif) or Total Loss Only + Third Party Liabilyti, + RSCC, Ect
TOP DRAISING ( TD) / VERSATILE MOLTEN MANURE. Bio' s Molten manure Organic / NPK' S Manure Fledged Composite For oil palm Plant, Rubber and all Plant Genus bio' s molten manure TD SuperTM' s....
As we know that crop if without fertilized a result will not be optimal, fertilization have to be proportional ( precise dose , effective ( complete element NPK mejemuk of macro and micro element....
The Only One on Jambi...! ! ! Complete, Accurate, and Quick Action...! ! ! Contact Us at Mr. ALI AHMAD ( 081366133575 / 081532212121 ) or HARSYAH REZA ARIF ( 08973862857 / 081927551544 )
PT. Sedayu Citra Mobil Truck & Bus is the only car dealership Hyundai Truck & Bus in the city of Jambi. PT. Sedayu Citra Mobil Truck & Bus selling any car products like as Hyundai, Foton, GreatWall, ....
Sell Coal GCV.5800 - 5600 Commodity : Indonesia Steam Coal Origin : West Sumatra, Padang � � � Indonesia Spesification : Total Moisture ( ARB) : 26 - 30 % ( 31% > Reject) ....
Our Company Coal Mine and Trading in Jambi .... submit an official request letter addressed to: PT.KMN COAL TRADERS email: kmn_ coal@ Phone: + 628566373900....
Trading Coal Mine, General Kontraktor.Transportation , Peralatan Komputer, Bibit dan Usaha Pertanian, Peternakan, Perikanan.Kehutanan Peralatan Tulis , Percetakan Kantor, Pergudangan, Perlengkapan....
We are a company which is renting Tug Boat, Barge and Ferry
Trading, Contractor dan suplayer ( Seluruh barang tambang, produk agrobisnis, perkapalan, property, dll )