TOP DRAISING ( TD) / VERSATILE MOLTEN MANURE. Bio' s Molten manure Organic / NPK' S Manure Fledged Composite For oil palm Plant, Rubber and all Plant Genus bio' s molten manure TD SuperTM' s....
As we know that crop if without fertilized a result will not be optimal, fertilization have to be proportional ( precise dose , effective ( complete element NPK mejemuk of macro and micro element....
BASIC LIQUID FERTILIZER / MANURES MOLTEN BASIC Bio' s Molten manure Organic / NPK' S Manure Fledged Composite For oil palm Plant, Rubber and all Plant Genus. SUPER' S dropsy 2000TM constitutes....
NPK Super' s oil palm manure + TE ( 10 - 12 12 5 + TE) are manure special composite that is formulated for oil palm plant. containing Macro nutrient element Primary ( N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg) , Secondary, ....